

Before I turn on my study mode, I just would love to share my little experience here today.


I may have mentioned before that Clinical assessment or I would call it PE is very important in the medical settings. Because this is one of essential skill to find out the problems before the critical situation shown.

I feel well satisfied that I passed the skill assessment and put my nurse head out. You guys may not be able to imagine that I have not been sleeping well, instead of studying 12-16 hours a day.

Hey, every hard work is paid off! That’s true.


So now I’d like to put some key points for the Clinical assessment.

  • Assess the patient by the order of priority systems
  • Assess the patient’s background (past history and present history)
  • Use ISBAR tool to organise your mind
  • All the relevant hints are a key for clinical thinking
  • Sanitary is very important

In the health setting, the critical scenario can be called ” code Blue” or “Med Call”, on another word, 000 in the hospitals. Be familiar with the criteria is must rmb on the list.

About Oxygen therapy here is slightly different as well.

You always supply oxygen from high to low, normally Hudson mask with 10 L/min, depending on the patient’s symptoms.  (This is completely different way to Taiwan)

  • Make sure the vital signs
  • Patient’s mental status and other signs and symptoms.
  • Monitor closely.


There are more nursing considerations, you may find your medical knowledge useful.

In the end, just like my educators said”putting all the puzzles together”, just giving yourselves some brain storm.  Critical thinking, that’s what makes nursing unique, doesn’t it?


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